Sunday, March 05, 2006


0130hrs - Shackeeeeddd...going nuts.....

haiz..sian...tink im going to go nuts soooonnn..soo many things bothering me...or am i the one bothering myself with nonsenses.....

haiz...ultmately..soo many things affecting me....just the day before on Fri...nearly died...soo many things happend....haiz.......first back my 201 quiz....wa lau..F, sian tiao...nearly burst out ......sooo FAntastic..well done arh...kaoz..sian...tot i had tried to do exactly what we were word..Ben.

next thing..greeted by tax 27%...wa..i tink i really champion liao..going into beans' list soon i guess...haiz...must really bang the head onto the wall...

and when its 213 time...that lady say got surprised quiz...wa like saying...Come all lah...all what so ever quizs..all give me to do lah...heck liao...darn irritated...cannot be left alone man....

haiz.....hmm..quite some time never blog sat..went with l to watch im not stupid..than after that went hanging around till kinda, .....hmm..l is nice...hmm...surprisingly..soo long already..since still remain contactable...surprised.

dinner at village' yest..hmm..nice one..

haiz...back to reality..the few paras on top are perhaps just dreams...back to reality...
Whats awaiting me next weekkk..XIong things..

201 project, 202, 213, IT show, wah....can die bdae also..wa....siao liao....soo packed..tink really must go at full speed...gear 5..without handbrake down the slope....

k, tink enough of complains for now...going to dream land soon.....and tmr will be back to reality...

by the somehow affects me a little...or i can say...abig is the billboard in my hp for now..somehow..abit scare..that history repeats itself...seriously..abit scare on this point...

had been regularly, making a point to drive down to temple weekly at calm very streesed in school also...soo much competition...cannot take it liao... to mugggggggggggggg eat down lots of mugggggg from next wweeeeekkkkk liao...stuff myself with,.,mugggssssssss...

~ ...the battle goes on...between the mind...

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AbOuT Me ?

23 years, NTU Acc Undergrad...
A Really Full of Nonsenses Guy

Schools I have attended are...
Min Xin Primary (It had become a history...)
Ngee Ann Secondary
Tampines Junior College
Currently: Nanyang Business School (NTU)

WhAt I WaNt To Be?

Frankly, Im a guy full of ideas, I have alot of ambitions...
1. I want to do my own business...
2. A Teacher? prob...
3. An Entrepeneur...
4. Sales Executive...cos I love meeting new people & interacting with them...

SoMe ThOuGhTs...

To Learn To Love Myself...
To Continue Loving Others...
To Achieve Better Results...
To Stay Happy...
To Stay Simple...

WhAts In...

1. EsKi Bar...


3.People who cant park properly...

I am only one, But still I am one. I cannot do everything, But still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do; The something that I can do...

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